


论文作者:杨贵平 王智祥

文章页码:447 - 452

关键词:双金属管; 衬拉; 拉拔力; 工程法

Key words:bimetal tube; drawing with a fixed plug ; drawing loads ; slab method

摘    要:应用工程法对双金属管衬拉复合过程进行了分析,提出了双金属管衬拉时的三种流动模式及几何判据: (1) 当0≤β<β0时, 为复层变薄流动模式;(2) 当β0<β≤α时, 为芯层变薄流动模式; (3) 当β=β0时, 为比例流动模式。推导出了双金属管衬拉拉拔力的计算公式。 结果表明, 理论计算值与实测值的相对误差约小于15%。

Abstract: It was analysed theoretically that the loads of bimetal tube drawing with a fixed plug by using slab method, and its three flow models and corresponding geometry criteria were proposed: (1) while 0≤β<β0, it is the model of the coating getting thinner;(2) while β0<β≤α, it is the model of the core getting thinner;(3) while β=β0, it is the model of homogenous flow. A formula on loads for bimetal tube drawing with a fixed plug is derived, experimental results show that the relative errors between theorectical values and the measured ones are about less than 15%, which can meet the demands of engineering calculation.


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