来源期刊:Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology Materials Science Edition1992年第4期
论文作者:杨淑珍 宋汉唐
文章页码:26 - 33
摘 要:<正> In this paper,several dicalciumsilicates(β-C2S)obtained from impuritieshave been studied.A study of the structureand properties of these doped dicalciumsilicates reveals that the doping with MgO ofBaSO4 enhanced their activity and rate ofhydration,K20 has a similar effect roughless pronounced.The lattice distortion and crystal size inβ-dicalcium silicates are measured by X-raypowder diffraction technique,the bindingenergies of 2P3 for Ca and 2P for Si areobtained by X-ray photoelectric spectrum,thevibrations of the chemical bonds in silicateanion [SiO4]4- are examined by FT-IR andLaser Raman spectra and the heat evolutionduring hydration reaction for β-dicalciumsilicates are determined by microcalorimetry.From the results of XRD,XPS,FT-IR,Raman and micro-DSC,the relationshipbetween the microstructure and properties ofdoped dicalcium silicates and the mechanismof activation due to impurities are discussed.
摘 要:<正> In this paper,several dicalciumsilicates(β-C2S)obtained from impuritieshave been studied.A study of the structureand properties of these doped dicalciumsilicates reveals that the doping with MgO ofBaSO4 enhanced their activity and rate ofhydration,K20 has a similar effect roughless pronounced.The lattice distortion and crystal size inβ-dicalcium silicates are measured by X-raypowder diffraction technique,the bindingenergies of 2P3 for Ca and 2P for Si areobtained by X-ray photoelectric spectrum,thevibrations of the chemical bonds in silicateanion [SiO4]4- are examined by FT-IR andLaser Raman spectra and the heat evolutionduring hydration reaction for β-dicalciumsilicates are determined by microcalorimetry.From the results of XRD,XPS,FT-IR,Raman and micro-DSC,the relationshipbetween the microstructure and properties ofdoped dicalcium silicates and the mechanismof activation due to impurities are discussed.