

论文作者:张小云 覃文庆 田学达 陈燕波 谷雨 习晓光

文章页码:908 - 912


Key words:stone coal; vanadium pentoxide; microwave roasting; acidic leaching technique

摘    要:通过微波空白焙烧-酸浸提钒与传统加热焙烧-酸浸提钒和直接酸浸提钒的对比实验,考察H2SO4用量和浸出时间对石煤中钒浸出的影响。结果表明:石煤在700 ℃下微波焙烧60 min,H2SO4用量为矿样质量的22%,浸出温度为90 ℃时,V2O5浸出率达到83.50%,比传统加热焙烧-酸浸提钒和直接酸浸的浸出率提高约30%。通过对焙烧熟料酸浸和直接酸浸时Al2O3 浸出率的分析发现,V2O5浸出率与Al2O3 浸出率呈正相关性。结合矿物晶体构造与微波加热原理,探讨了微波焙烧改善酸浸提钒的机理,认为微波焙烧可破坏含钒云母的晶体结构,是提高V2O5浸出率的主要原因。

Abstract: Compared with the conventional roasting-acidic leaching procedure and acidic leaching process of raw stone coal, the microwave roasting-acidic leaching technique for extraction of vanadium from stone coal was developed, and the effects of H2SO4 dosage and leaching time on vanadium extraction were investigated. The results show that the leaching rate of V2O5 reaches up to 83.5% when the tested sample is microwave roasted (without any additive) at 700 ℃ for 60 min, the dosage of sulfuric acid is 22% of V2O5 leaching at 90 ℃. The leaching rate is improved by about 30%, more than that obtained from the conventional roasting or acidic leaching of raw stone coal under the same leaching conditions. The positive correlation between the leaching rate of V2O5 and Al2O3 is found out by leaching V2O5 and Al2O3 from both the roasted samples and raw stone coal. Based on the minerals crystal constitution and the characteristics of microwave roast, the mechanism on improving the leaching rate of V2O5 by microwave roasting was discussed. It is indicated that the breakage of the minerals crystal constitution resulted from microwave roasting is the key factor of affecting the improvement of V2O5 leaching rate.

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