论文作者:范晓慧 黄天正 陈荩
文章页码:25 - 27
关键词:专家系统; 烧结过程; 透气性中心; 烧结终点预报
Key words:expert system; sintering process; centre on permeability; prediction of burn-through point
摘 要:为了克服烧结过程因机理复杂、影响因素多且相关性高而难以准确控制的困难,提出了烧结过程状态控制以透气性为中心的控制策略,研究了透气性的判断方法和实现此策略的控制原则和方法;同时,为了解决烧结过程控制的长时滞问题,提出了烧结终点的预报策略,研究了烧结终点的预报方法.
Abstract: In this paper,in order to overcome the difficulty for control because of the complicated mechanism and a number of related influential factors,the control strategy of sintering state control centred on permeability is proposed,and the method to distingush permeability and control theory to realize this strategy are studied.At the same time,in order to offer the solution to long time delays,the predictive strategy of burn-through point is proposed,and the predictive method is studied.