

论文作者:王晶 王玥 王伟 曹柳林 靳其兵

文章页码:1318 - 1326


Key words:unfalsified strategy; adaptive iterative learning; batch polymerization process; quality-temperature compound learning

摘    要:针对间歇聚合反应的质量控制问题,设计一种双层迭代学习的控制结构:外层面向批次间可测的终点质量指标采用基于在线式最小二乘支持向量机的终端质量学习控制,为内层控制提供最优的设定值;对于内层面向批次内可测的过程变量,提出基于去伪策略的自适应迭代学习控制方案,可以较好地解决批次间温度设定值发生改变的问题,提高内层控制鲁棒性。内层控制方法具体如下:首先给出基于共轭梯度法的改进去伪控制算法,然后将改进的去伪控制算法应用于迭代学习的控制框架中,利用去伪算法的实时自适应能力来调整内层迭代学习控制的控制器参数,并以闭环P型迭代学习控制算法为基础推导去伪迭代学习控制器参数自适应律的数学描述。最后,将本文的方法应用于典型的间歇聚合反应过程。仿真结果表明:该方法具有良好的控制效果,在一定程度上可以克服传统迭代学习算法要求参考曲线在迭代过程中保持一致的缺点,而且具有较快的收敛速度。

Abstract: Bilayer iterative learning structure was proposed for quality control in batch polymerization process. Adaptive terminal iterative learning control based on the online least square support vector machine model was developed for the outer layer of quality control. Adaptive iterative learning control based on unfalsified strategy for the inner layer of process variables control was proposed to solve the problem of batch-varying reference temperature. Firstly, the advanced unfalsified control based on conjugate gradient was improved, and then the control algorithm was embed in closed-loop P-type iterative learning control frame, in which unfalisified strategy was used to adjust learning gain based on online input-output data. The mathematics description of unfalisified adjust law in close-loop P-type iterative learning control was derived. Finally, the control algorithm was applied to the typical batch polymerization process. The simulation results show that the proposed approach has better control performance and higher convergence rate.

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