Mg2+ 对氧化亚铁硫杆菌生长活性的影响
论文作者:李洪枚 柯家骏
文章页码:576 - 578
关键词:氧化亚铁硫杆菌; 生长活性; Mg2+ 的影响
Key words:Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ; growth and activity; tolerance of Mg2+
摘 要:研究了在常用的细菌浸出条件下( t =30 ℃, pH 2.0), Mg2+对氧化亚铁硫杆菌(T.f)生长活性的影响。 结果表明, 该实验所用菌株具有一定的耐Mg2+能力;当培养基中 ρ (Mg2+ )≤10.5 g/L时, Mg2+对细菌的生长活性没有不利的影响; ρ (Mg2+ )15.5 g/L时对细菌生长活性的影响较明显; ρ (Mg2+)20.5 g/L时细菌的生长完全受到抑制。 经驯化后的该菌株耐Mg2+性明显提高,在含ρ (Mg2+ )15.5 g/L的培养基中细菌的生长活性良好。
Abstract: The effect of Mg2+ on the growth and activity of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (T. f) was studied under the common bioleaching condition of 30℃ and pH 2.0. Experimental results show that the T.f used in this experiment was tolerant of Mg2+ to some extent. No bad effect on the growth and activity of T.f by Mg2+ was brought when cultured in Leathen medium containing ρ (Mg2+ )≤10.5 g/L. The growth and activity of T.f are obviously influenced when ρ ( Mg2+ )15.5 g/L. But the growth and activity of T.f cease when the concentration of Mg2+ is around 20.5 g/L. The T.f can tolerate the concentration of Mg2+ 15.5 g/L in the culturemedium after a period of adaptation by repeated subculturing.