论文作者:张国旺 周恩浦
文章页码:190 - 195
关键词:环式破碎机; 动力学分析; 最优设计
Key words:breakers; kinetics analysis; optimum designs
摘 要:本文应用碰撞理论对锤环碰撞单颗粒岩石进行了动力学分析,获得了破碎力、销轴反冲力和破碎能耗计算公式。能耗测试结果证实动力学分析是符合实际情况的。然后,提出了环式破碎机的设计原则,探讨了其主要参数的优化设计。
Abstract: This paper gives a dynamic analysis for the impact of a single rock particle onthe ringhammer by means of the impact theory. The impact force, the reactingimpact force acting on the pivot and the energy consumption of comminution havebeen obtained. The experiments confirmed that the dynamic analysis is valid inpractice. Then, the design principle of ringhammer crushers is presented. The opti-mization design of the main parameters of ringhammer crushers is carried out.