论文作者:贺地求 张志勇 赵啸林 易幼平
文章页码:530 - 532
Key words:aluminum ingot; casting; cinder scraping; automation
摘 要:针对电解铝重熔锭连续铸造生产中,因扒渣作业环境温度高、铝渣快速凝固粘铲和工作节奏快,导致扒渣机出现掉渣和工作稳定性差等问题,作者提出了一种设计方案,采用独特的动铲定铲扒渣机构、齿轮齿条冲渣机构、摆杆式同步机构、带防浪孔渣铲和快速提铲机构,实现了扒渣自动化,成功地解决了上述问题
Abstract: The paper analyses cinder scraping working condition and processe requirements in electrolytic aluminum ingot casting. A new scheme of automatic cinder scraper is proposed. It can online scrape aluminum cinder in casting mould, and guarantee the internal and external quality of products, and realizes automatic cinder scraping successfully.