论文作者:张福明 钱世崇 张建 毛庆武 苏维
文章页码:12 - 17
关键词:高炉; 炼铁; 无料钟炉顶; 顶燃式热风炉; 煤气干法布袋除尘
Key words:blast furnace; ironmaking; bell-less top; dome combustion hot blast stove; BF gas dry bag filter dedusting
摘 要:介绍了首钢京唐钢铁厂5 500m3高炉设计特点和采用的先进技术。高炉设计中采用合理炉料结构、炉料分级入炉技术;自主设计开发了并罐式无料钟炉顶设备和炉料分布控制技术;采用纯水密闭循环冷却、铜冷却壁、薄壁内衬等高炉综合长寿技术,高炉设计寿命25年;采用高风温顶燃式热风炉和助燃空气高温预热技术,设计风温1 300℃;采用平坦化出铁场和铁水直接运输工艺、环保型螺旋法渣处理工艺;设计开发了特大型高炉煤气全干法布袋除尘技术;采用并罐式浓相喷煤技术;设计了完备的自动化检测和控制系统以及环境除尘系统,使高炉生产实现了"高效、低耗、长寿、清洁"的目标。
Abstract: The technical features and advanced technologies of the 5 500 m3 blast furnace in Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.were introduced.Reasonable BF burden design and classified burden charging technologies were applied.Bell-less top equipment was self designed and developed,and burden distribution control technology was applied.High-efficiency long campaign life technology of blast furnace including closed loop soft water cooling system,copper stave,thin wall lining etc.was applied,and the design campaign life of the BF was 25 years.The high blast temperature dome combustion hot blast stove and high temperature preheating of combustion air technologies were applied,and the design blast temperature was 1 300 ℃.Flat casthouse,direct transportation of hot metal,environment-friendly screw type slag treatment technologies were applied.BF gas dry bag filter dedusting technology in extra large BF was designed and developed.The high density pulverized coal injection technology with parallel hoppers was applied.The complete automation control system and environmental cleaning system was applied.With all the new technologies mentioned above,the BF operation has achieved the target of high efficiency,low consumption,long campaign and cleanness.
(1.北京市北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院
摘 要:介绍了首钢京唐钢铁厂5 500m3高炉设计特点和采用的先进技术。高炉设计中采用合理炉料结构、炉料分级入炉技术;自主设计开发了并罐式无料钟炉顶设备和炉料分布控制技术;采用纯水密闭循环冷却、铜冷却壁、薄壁内衬等高炉综合长寿技术,高炉设计寿命25年;采用高风温顶燃式热风炉和助燃空气高温预热技术,设计风温1 300℃;采用平坦化出铁场和铁水直接运输工艺、环保型螺旋法渣处理工艺;设计开发了特大型高炉煤气全干法布袋除尘技术;采用并罐式浓相喷煤技术;设计了完备的自动化检测和控制系统以及环境除尘系统,使高炉生产实现了"高效、低耗、长寿、清洁"的目标。
关键词:高炉; 炼铁; 无料钟炉顶; 顶燃式热风炉; 煤气干法布袋除尘