J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2010) 17: 572-579
DOI: 10.1007/s11771-010-0525-1
Adaptive output feedback control for uncertain nonholonomic chained systems
YUAN Zhan-ping(袁占平)1, 2, WANG Zhu-ping(王祝萍)1, 2, CHEN Qi-jun(陈启军)1, 2
1. Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing, Ministry of Education, Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China
? Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
Abstract: An adaptive output feedback control was proposed to deal with a class of nonholonomic systems in chained form with strong nonlinear disturbances and drift terms. The objective was to design adaptive nonlinear output feedback laws such that the closed-loop systems were globally asymptotically stable, while the estimated parameters remained bounded. The proposed systematic strategy combined input-state-scaling with backstepping technique. The adaptive output feedback controller was designed for a general case of uncertain chained system. Furthermore, one special case was considered. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controllers.
Key words: adaptive output feedback; input-state scaling; backstepping; nonholonomic system
1 Introduction
Over the last few years, controlling nonholonomic systems have received considerable attention. It is shown in BROCKETT’s work [1] that the origin of a simple nonholonomic system with restricted mobility would not be stabilized at the origin by any static continuous state feedback though it is open loop controllable. A number of approaches have been proposed for the problem, which can be classified as discontinuous time-invariant stabilization [2-3], time-varying stabilization [4-5] and hybrid stabilization [6-7]. More details can be found in Ref.[8].
One commonly used approach for controller design of nonholonomic systems is to convert, with appropriate state and input transformations, the original systems into some canonical forms for which controller design can be carried out more easily [9-12]. As illustrated in Refs.[8-9, 13], many nonlinear mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints on velocities can be transformed, either locally or globally, to a system of canonical form via appropriate state and input transformation. The typical examples include tricycle type mobile robots, cars towing several trailers, a vertical rolling wheel, and a rigid spacecraft with two torque actuators.
Using the special algebra structure of the chained forms, some feedback strategies were proposed to stabilize nonholonomic systems. Adaptive controllers were proposed to stabilize nonholonomic systems with uncertainty in Refs.[14-15]. A hybrid feedback algorithm was presented to make an uncertain wheeled mobile robot globally asymptotically stable in Ref.[16]. To obtain practical point stabilization for a nonholonomic system, a neural network control was used in Refs.[17-18]. An adaptive state feedback control using input-to-state scaling technique was presented in Ref.[19]. Output feedback issue was addressed for the asymptotic and exponential stability properties with uncertainties [20-21], where the first subsystem is assumed to be linear. Recently, robust output-feedback exponential stabilization of uncertain chained systems was presented in Ref.[22], which relies on the known of the first disturbance and other bounded disturbances. In this work, output feedback controllers were designed using input-state scaling and backstepping technique to solve the problem of stabilization of a class of uncertain nonholonomic systems. The contributions of this paper are as follows. Firstly, an adaptive output feedback controller was proposed to stabilize the considered system, including the system which has uncertainties in x0-subsystem. Secondly, the control design was developed without the priori knowledge on the bounds of the nonlinear drifts and only the system outputs were measurable. At last, an adaptive control based switching scheme was proposed to handle the uncontrollability of the first subsystem, which prevented the possible finite escape of system states, and at the same time guaranteed the bound of all the signals.
2 Problem formulation
A class of perturbed canonical nonholonomic systems in chained form were considered as follows:
1≤i<n (1)
where u0 and u1 are control inputs; [x0, xT]T [x0, x1, …, xn]T∈Rn+1 are system states; and (1≤i≤n) are vectors of smooth nonlinear functions of x0 and u0, respectively, is a vector of unknown bounded constant parameters; and di denotes the disturbed virtual control directions.
When we consider the output feedback control problem, system (1) can be rewritten as
1≤i<n (2)
where an
×2≤i<n (3)
The control objective is to construct adaptive nonlinear control laws of the form
such that all solutions x0(t) and x(t) of the closed-loop systems (1), (2) and (4) are bounded, and the adaptively adjusted parameter and μ are bounded. Furthermore, x0(t) and x(t) converge to zero when t→∞ and all other signals in the closed-loop system are bounded.
Through the work, the following assumption is proposed which is usually used in output feedback design [20, 22].
Assumption 1: The signs of d0 and d are known. Without losing generality, we assume d0 and d are positive constants.
Assumption 2: For there is a smooth function vector such that where θ0 is the first vector of θ.
For each 1≤i≤n, there is a known smooth function vectorsuch that≤ which is a function of u0, x0 and
Assumption 2 implies that the origin is an equilibrium point of system (1).
3 Output feedback control
In this section, an adaptive output feedback controller was designed using input-state scaling and backstepping techniques for the general case of uncertain chained system. Furthermore, one special case was considered. For clarity, the general case was divided into two categories: x0(t0)≠0 and x0(t0)=0.
3.1 Controller design when x0(t0)≠0
When x0(t0)≠0, the inherently triangular structure of system (1) suggests that we should design the control inputs u0 and u1 in two separate stages.
3.1.1 Control design for u0
Control u0 is designed to guarantee that x0 converges to zero but never crosses zero. So we can choose u0 as a modified form of SONTAG formula [23], which is also used in Refs.[19, 21].
Consider the control
where k0>0 and is the first estimate of
It can be seen that g0(x0)≠0 is guaranteed regardless of the values of x0.
Choose as
>0 (7)
Considering the following Lyapunov function
The time derivative of V0 is ≤-d0k0x02. Accordingly, we can conclude that is bounded, x0→0 as t→∞ by using LaSalle’s Invariant Theorem. Using Eq.(5), the closed-loop dynamics of the x0-subsystem is
Since x0(t) and are bounded, the solution of Eq.(9) is
Here, we assume x0(t0)≠0. So it is concluded that u0 can guarantee that x0 does not cross zero for all From the above analysis and Eq.(3), we can see that the x0-state in Eqs.(1) and (2) can be globally regulated to zero via u0 in Eq.(5) as t→∞. This phenomenon causes serious trouble in designing a global adaptive stabilization control input u1 because, in the limit (u0=0), the x-subsystem is uncontrollable. The following global input-to-state scaling transformation [19] will solve the problem:
1≤i≤n (10)
Under the new z-coordinates, with the choice of u0 in Eq.(5), the x-system is transformed into
A stable adaptive control scheme for the transformed system (11) is obtained by applying the backstepping technique such that all states asymptotically converge to zero and all signals in the closed-loop are bounded.
If u0≠0 for every t≥0, the discontinuous state transformation (10) is applicable. Then system (11) has the following form:
3.1.2 Control design of
Lemma 1: There exists a smooth function matrix such that
Proof: The proof is straightforward from Assumption 2.
Denote C=[1, …, 0] and consider y=Cz as the output of the transformed system (13). It is easy to verify that the pair (C, A) is observable and the pair (A, b) is controllable. In the following, an observer is to be designed to estimate the unmeasurable states (z2, …, zn).
Since is a continuous function, we can choose the matrix P(t) as the one used in output feedback design [22]. Then the following full-order observer can be designed:
whereis defined by the following n×l matrix differential equation:
This kind of filtering and parameter estimation methods can be found in Ref.[24].
Denote the observation error as and the parameter estimation error asthe error dynamics is given by
Note that multiplying the right side of Eq.(17) by and rearranging it, we obtain
Definecombining with Eq.(19), Eq.(18) becomes
From Eqs.(13), (16) and (20), the overall system to be controlled is given by
where li=CiPCTC and Ci (i=1, 2, …, n) are n-dimensional row vectors with zero elements except the ith element being 1.
In the following, the output feedback controller design is presented based on backstepping technique. It consists of n steps.
Step 1: Define where is viewed as the first virtual control input.
Using to stabilize the z1)-subsystem of Eq.(21), Lyapunov function candidate is chosen as follows:
The time derivative of Eq.(22) is given by
By completing the squares, we have
By choosing and the tuning function τi for θ as
>0 (25)
where k1>0.
It is noted that is a smooth function and satisfies
Then the time derivative of V1 is changed into the following form:
≤ (26)
where the coupling term will be cancelled at the next step.
Step i (2≤i≤n): At step (i-1), we have and define where is referred to the ith virtual control.
Lyapunov function candidate is chosen as follows:
By completing the squares in Step 1, there exist a smooth nonnegative function and a smooth function such that
Define h1=0 and the following computable variables
which are computable for 2≤i≤n.
Choose the ith tuning function τi and the ith virtual control(2≤i≤n-1) as
and actual control law u1, parameter update law as
Then at the last step, we have
Note that andare smooth functions and satisfy and 0×Rl.
So far, output feedback controller was completed for x0(t0)≠0.
3.2 Switching control when x0(t0) =0
When x0(t0)=0, an adaptive control based switching strategy is presented to solve the problem of finite escape for the class of systems under study, in which, the uncertainties do not satisfy the Lipschitz condition in general. So we can choose the following u0 as in Refs.[19, 21].
where g0 is given by Eq.(6) and is updated by Eq.(7).
Choosing the same Lyapunov function Eq.(8), its time derivative is given by
≤ (29)
which leads to the bound of x0, and consequently the bound of as well.
Using the control law Eq.(28), the closed-loop dynamics of the x0-subsystem is
whereConsequ-ently, x0 does not escape and x0(ts)≠0 for the control design can be carried out.
During the time period [0, ts], using u0 defined in Eq.(28), backstepping-based feedback and a new update law can be obtained for system (2). Then, we conclude that x-state of Eq.(2) will not blow up during [0, ts]. By Eq.(3), we can also obtain x-sate of Eq.(1) will not blow up during the time period [0, ts]. Since x0(ts)≠0 at ts, the control inputs u0 and u1 can be switched to Eqs.(5) and (27), respectively.
Theorem 1: Under Assumptions 1 and 2, if the output feedback laws Eqs.(5) and (27) are applied to Eqs.(2) and (1) with adaptation law along with the above switching strategy, systems (2) and (1) are globally regulated at the origin. Furthermore, the estimated parameters are bounded.
Proof: Choose the Lyapunov function
where P is chosen according to Eq.(16). Then, the time derivative of V is given by
which means and Since θ is a constant vector, are bounded. Hence, as and P(t) are bounded, we conclude that ζ is bounded.
From LaSalle’s Invariant Theorem, it implies that E(t)→0 as t→∞. We have ψ→0 as t→∞. Hence, it can be concluded that ζ→0 as t→∞ from Eq.(18). From the definition of and the fact of is bounded, ζ→0 as t→∞. So e→0 as t→∞.
From the control design procedure for u1, we can see that all the virtual controls and the actual control u1 are smooth functions. So we have (1≤i<n) and
These properties along with E(t)→0 as t→∞ imply that →0 as t→∞. Since e→0 as t→∞, which implies that (x0(t), z(t))→0 as t→∞, we have→0 as t→∞. Accordingly, from the above we conclude that (x0(t), x(t))→0 as t→∞.
3.3 One special case
In this case, in addition to Assumption 2 we further assume that x0-subsystem in system (1) owns a special structure, i.e., , where c0 is a known constant, and lower bound of d0 is by d0≥d00>0.
As in Section 3.1, consider x0(t0)≠0 first. Using the knowledge of c0 and Assumption 1, control law u0 can be chosen as
k0> (30)
with respect to the following Lyapunov function candidate V0=(1/2)x02, whose time derivative is given by ≤0. As a consequence, we guarantee x0→∞ as t→∞. Through transformation (10), x-system is transformed into
Denote C=[1, …, 0] and consider y=Cz=z1 as the output of the transformed system (31). It is easy to verify that the system is observable and controllable. In the following, an observer is to be designed to estimate the unmeasurable states [z2, …, zn].
From the analysis in Section 3.1, the overall system to be controlled is given by
In the following, the output feedback control is presented like Section 3.1.2.
Step 1: Define where is viewed as the first virtual control input. Choose the
Lyapunov function candidate as , where P is given by
Since ≤, we choose the virtual
control and tuning function τ1 as
The time derivative of V1 is given by
where ξ1ξ2 will be cancelled at the next step.
Step i (2≤i≤n): Consider the Lyapunov function
candidate By completing the squares
as in Step 1, there exist a smooth nonnegative function pi and a smooth function vector g such that
Let h1=0, and define
Choose virtual control and tuning function τi (2≤i≤n-1) as
Then, actual control u1, update law for as
Then, the time derivative of Vn is given as
So far controller u1 is obtained. When x0(t0)=0, the switching control strategy in Section 3.3 can be applied only when g0=-k0.
4 Simulation results
To verify our proposed controller, we consider the following low-dimensional system with parametric uncertainty:
where unknown constant parameter a is assumed to be bounded; and d0, d1, d2 are positive constants. The control objective is to design u0 and u1 such that (x0(t0), x1(t), x2(t))→0 as t→∞.
From the change form Eq.(3), system (36) can be turned into
From the analysis in Section 3, and for any k0>0, the control law (30) can be applied. After performing the input-state scaling (10), we have θ=a and
Then, the control law u1 and update law are given by Eq.(34).
In the simulation, the design parameters are chosen as d0=2, d1=d2=1, k0=k1=k2=1, l1=l2=1 to place both poles as (A-LC) at -1. The system parameter is chosen as a=0.5 and the initial conditions are and
As seen from Fig.1, all signals (x0, x1, d1x2) globally converge to zero. Fig.2 shows the control inputs. From Fig.2, it can be seen that the control efforts using the controller derived in this work are mild. Fig.3 shows that the estimation of the unknown constant is bounded but does not approach to its true value.
5 Conclusions
(1) An output feedback controller is proposed for a class of uncertain nonholonomic chained systems with
Fig.1 States of simulated system
Fig.2 Control of simulated system
Fig.3 of simulated system
drift nonlinearity and parameter uncertainties.
(2) An output feedback controller is addressed without imposing any restriction on the parameter uncertainty and the growth of the drift nonlinearities.
(3) The proposed design method does not require any priori knowledge on the bounds of the nonlinear drifts.
(4) To facilitate the adaptive controller design, an adaptive observer is constructed to handle the technical problem due to the presence of unavailable states in the regressor matrix.
(5) All the system states are proven to converge to the origin by choosing the design parameters and the estimated parameters maintain bounded. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.
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Foundation item: Project(60704005) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(07ZR14119) supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission; Project(2009AA04Z213) supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China
Received date: 2009-09-16; Accepted date: 2009-11-30
Corresponding author: CHEN Qi-jun, PhD, Professor; Tel: +86-21-69589378; E-mail: qjchen@tongji.edu.cn
(Edited by YANG You-ping)