论文作者:刘宁 徐根应 许育东 李健 崔昆 胡镇华 熊惟皓
文章页码:136 - 140
关键词:Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷 热冲击性能 微孔洞形成机理
Key words:Ti(C,N) based cermets thermal shock properties formation mechanism microvoids
摘 要:对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷的热冲击性能进行了研究。结果表明,热冲击图 (σrb-t 图)存在一个突变点,即当 t >400 ℃时,σrb 急剧下降。扫描电镜观察表明,试样表面存在裂纹,在试样的亚表层下存在孔洞。从而探讨了微孔洞的形成机理。
Abstract: The thermal shock properties of Ti(C,N) based cermets have been studied. The results have shown that there is a sudden changing point on the th ermal shock diagram(σrb- t diagram), i. e. when t is greater than 400 ℃, the remaining bend strength, σrb, decreases rapidly. The SEM examination has denoted that there are cracks on the surface and voids below the surface of the specimens. The formation mechanism of microvoids has also been discussed.