

论文作者:张小伟 苗睿瑛 吴道高 朱琼 王志强 陈德宏 颜世宏

文章页码:1411 - 1416


Key words:vacuum distillation purification; modified separation coefficient; terbium metal; impurity distribution; liquid metal

摘    要:通过真空蒸馏实验和理论分析研究了杂质在蒸馏产物金属铽中的分布规律。研究结果表明:在蒸馏产物中,钛杂质在蒸馏初期的含量为220 mg/kg,在蒸馏中期杂质含量缓慢增加,到了蒸馏提纯末期,杂质含量高达2260 mg/kg,钛的修正分离系数为1/19.02,在蒸馏初始阶段,钛原子在液态金属中的扩散达到准稳态,且理论计算结果与实验结束相吻合;铜杂质的在蒸馏产物中的分布与钛相反,在蒸馏初始阶段铜含量为380 mg/kg,到了蒸馏提纯末期,铜含量线性降至290 mg/kg,其修正分离系数为17.99,理论计算结果与实验结果不一致。

Abstract: The distribution rules of impurities in distilled terbium metal were investigated by vacuum distillation purification experiment and theoretical analysis. It is found that Ti impurity in distilled terbium is 220 mg/kg in the initial stage of the distillation purification, increases slowly in the middle stage, and increases rapidly in the last stage, reaching 2260 mg/kg, and the modified separation coefficient of Ti is 1/19.02. The diffusion of the impurity Ti in liquid metal can reach a quasi-equilibrium state in the initial stage of distillation purification and the calculated results agree well with experimental results; the distribution profile of impurity Cu is opposite to Ti, being 380 mg/kg in the initial stage, decreasing linearly to 290 mg/kg in the last stage, and the modified separation coefficient is 17.99, and the theoretical calculated results are inconsistent with the experimental result.

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