论文作者:赵跃龙 何亚农 陈松乔 张江陵
文章页码:76 - 78
关键词:集成式磁盘阵列;主机接口;双口RAM; PCI-SCSI卡
Key words:integrated disk array; HOST interface; dual-port RAM; PCI-SCSI card
摘 要:为了克服一般的“板卡式”磁盘阵列控制器的生产成本高、批量小、产品不容易升级和更新换代困难等缺点,本课题组通过对磁盘阵列体系结构进行深入分析和研究,以系统集成的方法,研制了一种集成式的磁盘阵列系统.这种集成式的磁盘阵列系统具有生产周期短、成本低、产品容易升级和更新换代,而且能够及时跟上现代科技发展步伐和体现当代最新先进技术等优点.本文对其接口的硬件结构和控制软件进行了介绍和说明.
Abstract: To overcome such disadvantages as high cost, low productivity,and difficulty in upgrading,etc in ordinarily′s disk array controller in card structure, we made an integrated disk array structure in system integrated . The integrated disk array has advantages of short production period, low cost,and is more easy to upgrade, it can keep up with the progress of modern technology,too. The hardware and the software of the interface in structure are described in this paper in detail.