Mechanism of action of cracks water on rock landslide in rainfall


论文作者:吴永 何思明 李新坡

文章页码:1383 - 1388

Key words:crack water; fracture mechanics; propagation; hydraulics; Sweden arc method; rock landslide

Abstract: In worldwide, the most common triggering factor of rock landslides is extended and intense rainfall. However, different from the soil slope failure caused by softening action of infiltration rainwater, the mechanism of rock landslide in rainfall is not clear. From the view of fracture mechanics, the propagation of cracks on rock slope and the development of sliding surface were researched. Then based on hydraulics formulas and using Sweden arc method, the influence of crack water on stability of rock slope was quantitatively studied. Finally, an example was given to check the theoretical approach. The result shows that the development of sliding surface of rock slope is mainly caused by crack propagation under hydrostatic pressure when the stress intensity factor KI at crack tip is bigger than the toughness index of rock fractures KIC, and the failure of slope is the result of hydraulic action of crack water and the softening of materials on sliding surface when the depth of crack water is bigger than a minimum value hmin.


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