论文作者:邓至谦 吴旭平 曾凤英
文章页码:161 - 167
关键词:铜合金; 时效; 动力学
Key words:copper alloy; aging; dynamics
摘 要:通过测定硬度和电阻率研究了微量磷和冷变形对Cu-17Ni-17Mn合金时效动力学的影响。结果表明:(1)0.1%左右磷降低合金高温(450℃) 和低温(350℃)时效速率,大大降低低温时效强化效果,但对高温时效强化效果影响不大;(2)时效前的冷变形明显提高高温时效速率,但对低温时效速率影响较小;(3)该合金的时效动力学符合Avrami方程。时效前经过冷变形的试样在420℃长期时效时,可能伴随有再结晶过程发生。
Abstract: The effect of addition of 0. 1wt%P and cold deformation on the aging dynamics of Cu-17Ni17Mn alloy has been investigated using hardness and resistivity measurements. It is shown that the addition of 0. 1wt%p to Cu-17Ni-17Mn alloy results in a slight reduction of agiong rate of the quenched alloy both at higher (420℃) and lower (350℃) temperature, a considerable decrease of strengthening effect of the quenched alloy aged at lower temperature, and a slight decrease of the alloy aged at higher temperature. Cold deformation before aging remarkably increases the aging rate of alloy at higher temperature,but slightly increases the aging process at lower temperature. The aging dynamics of the alloys is in agreement with the Avrami equation. When the sample undergoing cold deformation is aged at 420℃ for a long time, the precipitation process may be accompanied by recrystallization.