


论文作者:杨锐 郝玉琳 Obbard E G 董利民 卢斌

文章页码:1143 - 1449

关键词:β类钛合金; 应力诱发马氏体相变; 相稳定性; Ti2AlNb

Key words:β-type titanium alloy; stress-induced martensitic transformation; phase stability; Ti2AlNb

摘    要:本文概述了钛合金及Ti3Al经过渡族元素合金化形成的正交相的联系与区别,简要总结了作者研究组近期针对这些正交相变的研究结果,分析了需进一步澄清的科学问题.结合低弹性模量超弹性钛合金研制、冷镦紧固件丝材超细网篮显微组织制备以及Ti2AlNb基合金板材和箔材研发3个实例,展示了正交相变规律的实际应用.

Abstract: The link and difference between orthorhombic phase transformations inβ-type titanium alloys and in Ti3Al containing high concentrations of transition metal elements such as Nb are first outlined in this paper.Recent investigations on these transformations conducted in the authors’ group are reviewed followed by discussions of remaining problems.Three examples were presented to illustrate the applications of the orthorhombic phase transformations:design and development of superelastic titanium alloys for biomedical use,preparation of ultra-fine basketweave microstructure of titanium alloy wire for fastener manufacturing,and sheet and foil production of alloys based on Ti2AlNb.





摘 要:本文概述了钛合金及Ti3Al经过渡族元素合金化形成的正交相的联系与区别,简要总结了作者研究组近期针对这些正交相变的研究结果,分析了需进一步澄清的科学问题.结合低弹性模量超弹性钛合金研制、冷镦紧固件丝材超细网篮显微组织制备以及Ti2AlNb基合金板材和箔材研发3个实例,展示了正交相变规律的实际应用.

关键词:β类钛合金; 应力诱发马氏体相变; 相稳定性; Ti2AlNb

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