

论文作者:龚永智 张继文 蒋丽忠 涂永明

文章页码:1506 - 1513


Key words:CFRP tendon; concrete column; seismic behavior; integrated performance index

摘    要:对4根CFRP筋混凝土柱进行低周反复拟静力试验,研究CFRP筋混凝土柱及其经模拟地震损伤修复后的抗震性能,分析试件的柱顶水平荷载与相应位移的滞回曲线、变形性能、耗能性能和刚度退化等特征,给出综合性能评价指标和恢复力模型及其计算方法。研究结果表明:试件具有较强的变形能力和承载能力,轴压比和体积配箍率是影响CFRP筋混凝土柱抗震性能的重要因素;传统的延性系数不能全面反映CFRP筋混凝土柱的抗震性能,综合性能指标能较好地反映轴压比和体积配箍率对CFRP筋混凝土柱抗震性能的影响。

Abstract: For researching the seismic resistance capability of the concrete columns reinforced with CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer) tendons and those affected by the earthquake, the four concrete columns reinforced with CFRP tendons were tested under the simulated seismic loading and the hysteretic loading-drift relationships, the behavior of deformation and dissipation of energy and the degeneration of the stiffness were analyzed, and the propositional modes of restoring force and the calculation methods about the skeleton curves were proposed. The experimental results show that the influence of the level of axial compression and the volumetric ratio of hoop on the behavior of seismic resistance of the concrete columns reinforced with CFRP tendons are significant, and the specimens have good deformation and bearing capacity; the traditional ductility coefficient can not overall reflect the seismic resistance capability of the concrete columns reinforced with CFRP tendons, but the integrated performance index can reflect the influence of the level of axial compression and the volumetric ratio of hoop on the behavior of seismic resistance.

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