

论文作者:肖政兵 邓运来 唐建国 陈祺 张新明

文章页码:371 - 378


Key words:grain refiner; Al-Ti-C; Al-Ti-B; Zr; poisoning mechanism

摘    要:



The poisoning mechanism of zirconium on the grain-refining efficiency of Al-Ti-C and Al-Ti-B based grain refiner was been studied by observing the phases distribution between Al3Zr, Al3Ti, TiC and TiB2 particles in the Al-Ti-Zr-C and/or Al-Ti-Zr-B alloys using X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results show that Al3Zr particles are easy to combine with Al3Ti particles both in Al-Ti-Zr-C and Al-Ti-Zr-B alloys, the potency of Al3Ti performed as nucleation centers is impaired and results in the poisoning phenomenon. While TiC and TiB2 particles seem not to integrate with Al3Zr particles though the agglomeration of TiB2 particles. The calculation results of edge-to-edge matching model (E2EM) indicate that Al3Zr has a better crystallographic matching with Al3Ti and α-Ti solute than it does with TiC and TiB2 particles, which implies the quantities of the orientation relationships (ORs) between the matrix and precipitate can be used as a crystallography theoretical consultation in designing grain refiner.

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