DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2018.11.002
(北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院,北京,100083)
中图分类号:TF803.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2018)11-2649-07
Distribution of main elements and phase characteristics of copper converter slag
DU Ke, WANG Chengyan, WANG Ling
(School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: The distribution rule of main elements and phase characteristics of copper converter slag were studied by using methods of X-ray diffraction analysis, chemical phase analysis, chemical multielement analysis, combined with microscopic observation. The results show that copper converter slag from the Chambishi Copper Smelter has high mass fractions of iron, copper and cobalt, which are 47.84%, 3.60% and 2.52%, respectively. There exists 80.94% of Cu in the slag in the form of metallic state, and 12.71% in the form of Vulcanized state. Co and Fe mainly exist in the form of oxidation state, and the mass fractions of Co in magnetite and fayalite are 40.71% and 49.35%, respectively, while that of Fe are 56.34% and 41.94%, respectively. The main phases of the slag are fayalite and magnetite, with their mass fractions being 47.50% and 38.91%, respectively. The main copper-bearing phases are metallic copper and chalcocite, the mass fractions of which are 2.64% and 1.17%, respectively. Additionally, 9.78% of glass phase also exists in the slag. Fayalite is mixed with the magnetite and forms the basement phase. The metallic copper, chalcocite and glass phase are mingled inside the grains of fayalite and magnetite, or coated by them. The surface distribution of cobalt is basically the same with that of iron. The surface distribution of iron is basically the same with that of oxygen and silicon, and so is the surface distribution of copper with that of sulfur.
Key words: copper converter slag; chemical phase analysis; phase characteristic; surface distribution
1 转炉渣中元素分布规律
表1 转炉渣的化学成分分析(质量分数)
Table 1 Chemical composition analysis of converter slag %
表2 转炉渣中铜的化学物相分析
Table 2 Chemical phase analysis of Cu in converter slag
表3 转炉渣中钴的化学物相分析
Table 3 Chemical phase analysis of Co in converter slag
表4 转炉渣中铁的化学物相分析
Table 4 Chemical phase analysis of Fe in converter slag
2 转炉渣主要矿相矿相特征
表5 转炉渣物相组成(质量分数)
Table 5 Contents of phases in converter slag %
2.1 辉铜矿相
辉铜矿是转炉渣中铜的次要存在形式,由吹炼过程中铜锍中的Cu2S夹杂在渣相中而形成[10-12]。图1所示为渣中辉铜矿的矿相特征。由图1可见:辉铜矿主要以颗粒状夹杂在磁铁矿、铁橄榄石晶粒间或被上述矿相包裹,其产出粒度通常小于0.03 mm。电子探针测试结果表明:辉铜矿中Cu2S,FeO,SiO2和CoO的平均质量分数分别为92.73%,4.65%,2.16%和0.46%。
图1 转炉渣中辉铜矿的矿相特征
Fig. 1 Phase characteristics of chalcocite in converter slag
2.2 金属铜相
金属铜相是转炉渣中铜的主要存在形式,由吹炼过程中产出的粗铜夹杂在渣中而形成[10-12]。图2所示为渣中金属铜相的矿相特征。由图2可见:金属铜相呈金属液滴状,产出粒度通常小于0.02 mm,主要分布在铁橄榄石与磁铁矿的晶粒间。在扫描电镜下,放大倍数为15 000时,可观测到小于100 nm的金属铜晶粒分布于铁橄榄石树枝晶的晶粒间。电子探针测试结果表明:金属铜中Cu,Fe,Co和Ni的平均质量分数分别为99.69%,0.17%,0.02%和0.12%。
图2 转炉渣中金属铜相的矿相特征
Fig. 2 Phase characteristics of metallic copper in converter slag
2.3 磁铁矿相
磁铁矿是转炉渣中含铁的主要物相,主要成分为Fe3O4,是钴的主要载体[13-14]。图3所示为磁铁矿的矿相特征。由图3可知:渣中磁铁矿呈2种形态产出:一种是结晶粒度较粗的磁铁矿,呈半自形-他形晶粒状产出,其粒度一般为0.02~0.20 mm;另一种是呈八面体状或树枝状雏晶形式分布在铁橄榄石晶粒间,其结晶粒度一般小于10 μm。
磁铁矿的电子探针分析结果表明:磁铁矿中SiO2,FeO,Cu2O和CoO的平均质量分数分别为0.61%, 91.39%,4.52%和3.48%。
图3 转炉渣中磁铁矿的矿相特征
Fig. 3 Phase characteristics of magnetite in converter slag
2.4 铁橄榄石相
2.5 玻璃相
图4 转炉渣中铁橄榄石的矿相特征
Fig. 4 Phase characteristics of fayalite in converter slag
图5 转炉渣中玻璃相的矿相特征
Fig. 5 Phase characteristics of glass phase in converter slag
3 转炉渣中主要元素依存分布特征
图6 转炉渣中主要元素面扫描图
Fig. 6 Area scan images of main elements in converter slag
4 结论
1) 赞比亚谦比希铜冶炼公司的铜吹炼转炉渣中铁、铜、钴质量分数较高,分别为47.84%,3.60%与2.52%;转炉渣中80.94%的铜以金属态存在,12.71%以硫化态存在;钴主要呈氧化态富集在磁铁矿与铁橄榄石中,分布率分别为40.71%与49.35%,约有9.94%的钴分布在玻璃相中;铁主要分布在磁铁矿与铁橄榄石中,分布率分别为56.34%与41.94%,并有少量赋存在玻璃相与硫化铁中。
2) 转炉渣中主要物相为铁橄榄石相与磁铁矿相,质量分数分别为47.50%与38.91%;含铜物相主要为金属铜相,质量分数为2.64%,其次为辉铜矿,质量分数为1.17%;另外渣中含有9.78%的玻璃相。
3) 辉铜矿相、金属铜相分别以细粒状和液滴状夹杂在磁铁矿、铁橄榄石晶粒间;磁铁矿呈半自形-他形晶粒状产出,或以呈八面体状或树枝状雏晶形式分布在铁橄榄石晶粒间;铁橄榄石相粒度较粗,与磁铁矿相相互包裹、夹杂,并构成了渣的基底物相;玻璃相呈胶状充填于磁铁矿及铁橄榄石集合体中。
4) 钴元素因以类质同象形式取代铁,其与铁元素的面分布保持一致;铁作为主要元素,与氧、硅因化合作用,其面分布也呈现出较高的一致性;铜有较高比例呈硫化态存在,因此,与硫元素的面分布呈现一致性。
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(编辑 伍锦花)
基金项目(Foundation item):中央高校基本科研专项资金资助项目(230201606500078);国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1302274,51674026) (Project(230201606500078) supported by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; Projects(U1302274, 51674026) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China)