文章页码:92 - 97
关键词:外圆磨床; 辊型; 椭圆方程式; 复合运动
Key words:cylindrical grinding machines; roll crown; elliptic equation; compound motion
摘 要:本文讨论一般外圆磨床通过改装后磨轧辊辊型的工作原理,还讨论它所磨得的轧辊曲线的方程式,并用具体例子说明,以便磨削时能按所预期的轧辊曲线来调整机床,克服盲目性,提高磨削轧辊的效率和质量,从而提高板材、带材产品的质量。对于改装机床设计本身,也具有参考价值。
Abstract: This paper discussed the working principle of grinding the roll patten of roll by the refitted general cylindrical grinder and studied the equation of roll curve ground by the grinder. The grinder was adjusted on the light of expected roll patteran curve in the process of grinding, undecided action was avoided and the efficiency and the quality of grinding roll were enhanced,therefore the quality of the products of plate and ribbon materials, was improved. This paper is also valuable to refitting grinder design. The actual sample was given.