

论文作者:丰继林 高焕芝 高方平

文章页码:1064 - 1064


Key words:conference key distribution (CKD); perfect forward security; user anonymity; identity

摘    要:为了克服当前大多数匿名会议密钥建立协议都只能提供部分前向安全性,不能提供完美前向安全性的缺点,利用基于身份的密码体制和双线性配对,提出一个匿名会议分配协议,在单向哈希函数(OWH)和Diffie-Hellman (BDH)假设的保护下,该协议能够抵抗被动攻击、假冒攻击和共谋攻击。同时,通过让私钥生成器(PKG)为所有的参与者分配1个随机数。研究结果表明,该协议能够提供完美前向安全性,即使所有参与者(包括会议主席)的私钥受到了威胁,之前由会议主席使用这些私钥建立并且分配的会议密钥也不会受到威胁。

Abstract: Based on the fact that most anonymous conference key distribution (CKD) systems cannot provide forward security, which is a very important property, even though some CKD systems provide the property, they can only provide partial forward security, but not perfect forward security, an identity-based CKD scheme with user anonymity was proposed. Under the one-way hash (OWH) and bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) cryptographic assumptions, the proposed scheme is secure against passive attacks, impersonation attacks and conspiracy attacks. Moreover it can distribute a random number to the participants through the private key generator (PKG). The results show that this scheme provides perfect forward security, that is, even if the private keys of all the participants (including the chairman) are compromised, the conference key contributed by the chairman in the past will not be compromised.

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