文章页码:626 - 630
Key words:shearing; shearing composition; false-shearing composition; in-phase composition
摘 要:飞剪是连续轧制生产线上的重要设备,其结构、控制与调整很复杂,其运行状况与轧制生产线的生产效率密切相关.作者分析了IHI摆式飞剪系统结构组成,并以传动结构简图形式描述了IHI摆式飞剪的传动关系和传动原理,探讨了剪切机构、空切机构和同步机构三者之间的协作关系以及控制调整机理.通过对IHI摆式飞剪和核心工作部分剪切机构的研究,用矢量法建立了剪切机构运动学模型.研究结果表明:运动学数学模型的建立对定量分析IHI飞剪性能、及时有效地排除工作故障、充分发挥设备效能提供了理论支持,为后续剪切机构最优化设计奠定了基础,对熟练操作国外设备、设计制造高性能国产飞剪具有重要意义.
Abstract: Flying shearing is an important device in continuous rolling production line, ithas complex control systems and regulating system.The author analyses the structure and composition of IHI swing-flying shearing, and emphatically investigates the collaborating relationship among shearing framework, in-phase framework, false-shearing framework, and establishes kinematics model for shearing framework. The kinematics model provides technology supporting for removing operating fault efficiently, and enhances device power adequately, which will lay the foundation for optimum design of shearing framework. Those results mentioned above have very important meanings for manufacturing flying shearing.