

论文作者:王超 赵彬 杨旭东

文章页码:2099 - 2105


Key words:indoor air quality(IAQ); health effect; volatile organic compounds(VOCs); health index

摘    要:为使室内人员更好地了解自己所身处的室内空气环境的品质,提出一种评价挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染水平的室内空气质量健康指数,该指数选取10种室内常见的挥发性有机物作为索引污染物,基于这些污染物的健康效应将室内空气质量分为6级,以实测数据为例对该指数的使用进行说明。实验结果表明:相比传统的报告浓度的方法,健康指数可更为清晰地指示室内空气品质。通过应用该指数,居住者可直观地了解自己所身处的室内环境中的空气品质,并且对于指导实际工程中改善室内空气质量的相关技术应用有一定指导意义。

Abstract: In order to help people have a better understanding about the indoor air quality, an indoor air quality index system based on the evaluation of people’s health was proposed. The index incorporated ten kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that commonly appeared indoors. Indoor air quality was divided into six levels based on the health effects of these pollutants. An example based on the measurement data was given to show how to use the index. The results indicate that using index can show the indoor air quality easily. It is expected that the index may indicate the indoor air quality levels in a straightforward way, and can guide the technology used to improve the indoor air quality.


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