论文作者:廖寄乔 黄志锋 吕海波 陈绍衣 邹志强
文章页码:51 - 55
Key words:tungsten oxides; hydrogen reduction; ultrafine tungsten powder
摘 要:选取相成分单一的氢钨青铜(HTB,H0.33WO3)、铵钨青铜(ATB,(NH4)0.5WO3)、紫钨(TVO,WO2.72)、黄钨(TYO,WO3)和相成分不单一的蓝钨(TBO,含WO2.9和WO2.72两相)作为原料,研究钨原料对制取超细钨粉的影响.结果表明:相成分单一的氧化钨通过氢还原能制取细而均匀的钨粉;紫钨WO2.72制得的钨粉细而均匀,分散性好,是适合做微晶硬质合金的原料.
Abstract: In this article five kinds oftungsten oxide materials of hydrogentungsten bronze (H0.33WO3),ammoniumtungsten bronze((NH4)0.5WO3),violenttungsten-γoxide (WO2.72), tungsten yellow oxide(WO3), mixture of tungsten-βoxide-and tungsten-γoxide were selected to study the influence of raw materials on producing ultrafine and homogenous tungsten powder. Researching results show that ultrafine and homogenous tungsten powder can be produced from one phase tungsten oxide; and because of the special pore structure among WO2.72 particles, the homogenous and ultrafine tungsten powder has loose structure which is more suitable for the ultrafine hard metals than the powders from the other TBO materials selected in this paper.