

论文作者:郑雅杰 赵攀峰 王勇 吕重安

文章页码:311 - 316


Key words:copper electrolyte; purification; current density; electrorefining

摘    要:在铜电解液中加入亚砷酸铜净化脱除锑和铋,当电解液中As质量浓度从6 g/L增加到12 g/L后,电解液中锑和铋的质量浓度分别从0.65和0.15 g/L降到0.30和0.07 g/L,锑、铋去除率分别达到53.85%和53.33%。铜电解液净化后,在铜离子质量浓度为45~50 g/L,硫酸质量浓度为180~210 g/L,电解液温度为65 ℃时,电流密度为300 A/m2条件下进行电解得到的阴极铜达到高纯阴极铜质量标准(GB/T 467—1997)。连续电解7 d所得阴极铜铜质量分数为99.996 0%,阴极电流效率为99.1%。电解液中砷、锑、铋质量浓度分别为13.65,0.36和0.075 g/L。电解过程中56.2%锑、88.3%铋进入阳极泥,而78.8%的砷进入电解液。电解3 d后,铜离子质量浓度从45上升到51 g/L,硫酸质量浓度从210下降到175 g/L,槽电压从0.21上升到0.27 V,采用脱铜补酸处理可维持电解的正常进行。

Abstract: The Sb concentration of copper electrolyte decreases from 0.65 to 0.30 g/L, Bi from 0.15 to 0.07 g/L after As concentration increases from 6 to 12 g/L by adding copper arsenite to copper electrolyte. The removal rates of antimony and bismuth are 53.85% and 53.33%, respectively. The cathode copper electrorefined from purified copper electrolyte containing 45-50 g/L copper ion and 180-210 g/L sulfuric acid at 65 ℃ and 300 A/m2 gets up to the high pure grade of Chinese standard of GB/T 467—1997. The mass fraction of copper of cathode copper amounts to 99.996 0% and the cathode current efficiency is 99.1% after continuous electrolysis for 7 d. The concentration of As, Sb and Bi of electrolyte is 13.65, 0.36 and 0.075 g/L respectively after electrolysis. The 56.2% of Sb and 88.3% of Bi deposits in anode slime, while the 78.8% of As dissolves in the electrolyte. The copper ion concentration increases from 45 to 51 g/L, sulfuric acid from 210 to 175 g/L and the cell potential increases from 0.21 to 0.27 V after the continuous electrolysis for 3 d. The electrolysis can be performed continuously by removing suitable copper sulfate and adding sulfuric acid.


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