
Exchange and Crystalline Electric Field Interactions in Tm2Fe14B Compound

来源期刊:Journal of Rare Earths1992年第1期

论文作者:赵铁松 金汉民

文章页码:35 - 38

摘    要:<正> A series of magnetic properties of Tm2Fe14B are explained quantitatively by the calculations based on thesingle ion model. The magnetic properties include the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization,the spin reorientation temperature and the magnetization curves along the principal crystal axes at 4.2, 100, 150and 200 K. The values of the exchange field and the crystalline electric field parameters used in the calculationsare μBHex(T=0 K)=135, B20=1.77, B22=±2.97, B40=-3.06×10-3, B4-2=0, B44=-6.82×10-3, B60=1.05×10-5, B6-2=±7.40×10-5, B64=1.96×10-4, and B6-6=0 all in K unit. The magnetization processes of the Fe-andTm-sublattices at different temperatures are analysed. The processes are characterized by the non-collinearitybetween the magnetic moments of the Fe-and Tm-sublattices.


Exchange and Crystalline Electric Field Interactions in Tm2Fe14B Compound


摘 要:<正> A series of magnetic properties of Tm2Fe14B are explained quantitatively by the calculations based on thesingle ion model. The magnetic properties include the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization,the spin reorientation temperature and the magnetization curves along the principal crystal axes at 4.2, 100, 150and 200 K. The values of the exchange field and the crystalline electric field parameters used in the calculationsare μBHex(T=0 K)=135, B20=1.77, B22=±2.97, B40=-3.06×10-3, B4-2=0, B44=-6.82×10-3, B60=1.05×10-5, B6-2=±7.40×10-5, B64=1.96×10-4, and B6-6=0 all in K unit. The magnetization processes of the Fe-andTm-sublattices at different temperatures are analysed. The processes are characterized by the non-collinearitybetween the magnetic moments of the Fe-and Tm-sublattices.


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