论文作者:熊勇刚 李军辉 王桥医 谭建平
文章页码:412 - 414
Key words:casting roller; coupling; model
摘 要:快速超薄铸轧机铸轧辊的辊芯与辊套为2种不同材质配合而成的复合体,存在不连续的结合面,辊芯内有几何结构复杂的内冷水槽而非单一实心体,周向温差较大,其温度场为非对称三维温度场,工作在多种物理场(热、力)下,作者运用热弹性力学理论,建立热弹耦合方程并求解,并结合接触压力(轧制力分布)模型,确定了铸轧辊温度场边界条件,得到了超薄铸轧机铸轧辊变形的计算模型.
Abstract: Thin gauge high speed roll casting is different from the hot-rolling, it works in the muti-physical fields, its roller has complexity construction around its outer circuinferential, and its differerence in temperature is large. Based on thermoelasticity mechanics, combine the contact press model, the casting roller temperature boundary condition is established. The casting roll roller theoretics foundation is offered, and the models is verified by the calculating results.