

论文作者:陈瑜 曹平 周科平 滕云

文章页码:876 - 882


Key words:steel rock bolt; shear; displacing angle; loading angle

摘    要:在工程现场中,当锚杆处于剪切加载状态时,其在靠近加载点的位置会产生弯曲变形。在锚杆变形过程中,节理位移相应增大,并在杆体内部诱发法向拉力与横向剪力。本文作者对剪切状态下锚杆变形加载角与位移角的解析关系进行分析,通过考虑锚杆剪切过程中的弹性状态与塑性状态,锚杆段的扭转角可由解析方法导出,因此基于位移角相应求出加载角。通过与文献中实验数据对比,证明了所推导的解析解的正确性与可行性。在实际工程中,可根据锚杆的轴向变形方向确定其加载力方向。

Abstract: When subjected to shear loading condition, a steel rock bolt will become bent in the field close to the loading point in situ. The bolt is deformed as the joint displacement increases, which can mobilize a normal load and a shear load on the bolt accordingly. In this work, the relationship analysis between the displacing angle and loading angle is carried out. By considering elastic and plastic states of rock bolt during shearing, the rotation of bolt extremity can be calculated analytically. Thus, the loading angle is obtained from displacing angle. The verification of analytical results and laboratory results from reference research implies that the analytical method is correct and working. In terms of in-situ condition, the direction of the load acting on steel bolt can be predicted well according to the direction of the deformed rock bolt with respect to original bolt axis.

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