Sedimentary facies characteristics and organic matter enrichment mechanism of lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in South China


论文作者:秦明阳 郭建华 谭慧 吴诗情 边瑞康

文章页码:3779 - 3792

Key words:Niutitang formation (∈1n); organic matter; sedimentary facies; enrichment mechanism; hydrothermal activity; upwelling current; exploration target

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the sedimentary facies characteristics of lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation (∈1n) in South China, to reveal the mechanism of organic matter enrichment, and to guide exploration of shale gas. Macro investigation and experimental analyses were used to assess the lithology in detail, total organic matter mass fraction w(TOC), mineral composition, and trace element characteristics of ∈1n. The influencing factors of organic matter enrichment were discussed extensively, and a sedimentary facies mode was suggested. In the early stage of ∈1n, the locations of Well E’yangye 1, Well Ciye 1, Well Changye 1, and Well Anye 1 respectively develop, platform inner sag, outer shelf, Jiangnan slope belt, and South China detention basin. In the late stage of ∈1n, the sedimentary facies evolve with decreasing sea level. The study area presents a complete three-step basin in the Early Cambrian. In the early stage of ∈1n, the first step is the Yangtze carbonate platform, the second step is the outer shelf and slope, and the third step is the deep-water basin. From the Yangtze carbonate platform to the deep-water basin, w(TOC) and the mass fraction of quartz gradually increase, the mass fraction of carbonate mineral decreases, and the mass fraction of clay mineral is higher in the second step. The sea level fluctuation results in a higher w(TOC) vertically in the lower ∈1n shale, and the paleogeographic (provenance) conditions lead to better horizontal development of organic matter in the outer shelf, slope and detention basin. Trace elements are abundant in the lower ∈1n, and w(TOC) is correlated positively with many trace elements. In the outer shelf, slope, and adjacent areas, hydrothermal activity and upwelling current bring nutrient-rich material and promote organic matter enrichment under a strong reducing condition. Deep-shelf, slope and deep-water basin are the best facies for the formation and preservation of organic matter, especially deep-water basin facies. It remains necessary to strengthen the exploration of shale gas in the deep-water basin of ∈1n in central Hunan, China.

Cite this article as: QIN Ming-yang, GUO Jian-hua, TAN Hui, WU Shi-qing, BIAN Rui-kang. Sedimentary facies characteristics and organic matter enrichment mechanism of lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in South China [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2020, 27(12): 3779-3792. DOI:

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