论文作者:刘秋林 陈振华
文章页码:55 - 57
Key words:multilayer spray deposition; loci equation; angular velocity
摘 要:提出了多层喷射沉积在板坯和管坯方面雾化液滴沉积到接收器表面的轨迹方程,分析了各工艺参数对轨迹的影响.结果表明,各参数中ωy/ωx对轨迹分布的均匀性影响最大.当ωy与ωx之比成整数时,多层喷射沉积工艺的第二层就开始沿着第一层轨迹线重喷;但随着ωy/ωx值越大,单层轨迹越复杂;ωy/ωx值偏离倍数关系时,多层喷射沉积轨迹分布趋向均匀.
Abstract: This paper provides the loci equations about multilayer spray deposition (MSD) plate blanks and tube blanks,and analyses the effects of each parameter on the loci.The results show that ωy/ωx is the most important effect:when ωy is the intergral times of ωx, the following layers loci are the same as the first one and distribution in the same depositions;when ωy is larger than ωx, the first layer loci is more complicated;the further ωy/ωx deviates integral,the more homogenous the loci are.