论文作者:彭文祥 赵明华 袁海平 林杭 何忠明
文章页码:1002 - 1007
Key words:numerical analysis; bolt parameter; strength reduction; safety factor; sensitivity
摘 要:以安全系数作为边坡稳定的判断依据,运用基于强度折减的拉格朗日差分法,建立数值模型。分别改变注浆锚杆的6个支护参数,采用FLAC3D软件计算边坡的安全系数以及灵敏度,以此分析这些参数对于边坡稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:所探讨的因素中,对边坡稳定性影响显著的顺序(由大至小)是:锚杆长度、垂直间距、锚杆倾角、布设位置、锚杆直径、砂浆厚度;在分析结果的基础上,建立L9(34)正交模型,为工程实例中锚杆支护参数的选取提出优化方案。
Abstract: The safety factor was chosen as the failure criterion of slope. Numerical simulation models were founded by Lagrangian difference method. The Lagrangian difference method is based on shear strength reduction. The six reinforcement parameters of wholly grouted bolt were changed. The safety factor of slope for different reinforcement parameters were calculated by FLAC3D. The sensitivity values were obtained according to the relationship between reinforcement parameters and safety factor. According to the analysis of safety factor and sensitivity value, the influences of the six reinforcement parameters on safety factor of slope were obtained.The calculation results show that the influence sequence (from large to small) of the parameters is as follows: bolts length, vertical spacing, inclination, collocation, diameter and the grout thickness. Based on the analysis of calculation, the orthogonal experiment model of L9(34) is built. At last, the optimum parameters are chosen for the project.