

论文作者:李萍 段园培 薛克敏 王晓溪 甘国强

文章页码:872 - 877


Key words:TB8 titanium alloy; hot deformation; microstructure; texture; dynamic recrystallization; submicrostructure

摘    要:采用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对新型亚稳态β型TB8钛合金的热压缩变形组织和织构进行研究。结果表明:TB8合金热压缩变形组织呈明显的形变不均匀特征;动态再结晶的形核及长大与亚结构的演变关系极为密切;变形过程中无论动态再结晶是否发生或进行完全,形变组织都存在较强织构,造成TB8钛合金力学性能及成形性的各向异性。

Abstract: The microstructures and textures of a new metstable β-TB8 titanium alloy after hot deformation were investigated by electron backscattered electron diffracometry (EBSD). The results show that the microstructures of the TB8 titanium alloy after hot compression are obviously characterized as inhomogenity. The nucleation and growth of the dynamic recrystallization grains are in close relations with the evolution of substructure during the deformation process. No matter whether the dynamic recrystallization happens or the recrystallization is completely finished strong textures are achieved, which will result in the anisotropy of mechanical properties and formability for the TB8 titanium alloy.


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