论文作者:周春山 唐丽娟 丁长兴 熊兴安 朱建光
文章页码:104 - 108
关键词:硫酸铅; 铜铁灵; 苯甲羟肟酸; 高效液相色谱; 协同作用
Key words:lead sulfate; cupferron; benzoyl hydroxamic acid; high performance liquid chromatography; synergism
摘 要:对氧化铝矿浮选药剂钢铁灵、苯甲羟肟 酸的高效液相色谱分离和测定进行了研究,并建立了最佳色谱体系:固定相NUCLEOSILODS(5μm),200mm×4mm;流动相为合 1.8×10-4mol/L的KH2PO4,甲醇与水的体积比为70/30,pH为2.50;开发了检测器的波长切换技术,分别在230nm和285nm 波长下测定苯甲羟肟酸和铜铁灵的吸光值,两者的检出限分别为0.006mg/L和0.005mg/L;线性范围分别为0.2~200mg/L和 0.6~300mg/L.同时,借助该方法对铜铁灵、苯甲羟肟酸浮选PBSO4的协同作用机理进行了研究.
Abstract: A reversed phase HPLC study was described in this paper for analysis of two collectors,cupferron and benzoyl hydroxamic acid (BHA). The tailing of BHA can be depressed by addition of phosphate in mobile phase effectively. The optimized chromatographic conditions were: NUCLEOSIL ODS (5μm), 200 mm × 4 mm column; mobile phase: CH3OH/H2O(70/30) solution containing 1. 8 × 10-4 mol/L KH2PO4, PH 2.50. A function of wavelength transform of detector was exploited. The absorption values of cupferron and BHA were obtained at λ= 230 urn and λ= 285 nm respectively. Detection limits were 0. 006 mg/L and 0. 005 mg/L. There were linear relations between the concentration of cupferron and BHAand their area of chrometographic peaks from 0. 2 to 200 mg/L and from 0. 6 to 300 mg/L respectively. Mechanism of synergism between cupferron and BHA in the flotation of lead-sulfate (PbSO4) was investigated by means of the above analytical method.