论文作者:唐林生 黄开国 王淀佐
文章页码:509 - 514
关键词:硫化矿物; 黄铁矿; 闪锌矿; 浮游性; ζ电位; pH值; 氢氧化物; 吸附; 铁离子; 铜离子
Key words:sulfids minerals; pyrite; blende; floatability; zeta potential; pH value; hydroxide; adsorption; iron ion; copper ion
摘 要:本文根据浮选实验和ζ-电位测定结果讨论了硫化矿浮选中的“低谷”现象,并提出产生该现象的原因可能是由于金属羟合物的吸附.
Abstract: The floatability of sulfide minerals is often poor in some special pH region, while above or below this special pH region, the floatability is good. This fact is defined as the "poorly-floated region" phenomenon. Based on the flotation tests and ζ -potential measurements, this "poorly-floated region" phenomenon is discussed in this paper. And it is suggested that the phenomenon may be the result of the adsorption of hydroxylated comple of metal ions on the surfaces of sulfide mineerals.