论文作者:文小强 王玉香 赖华生 周健
文章页码:39 - 42
Key words:long afterglow; alkaline earth; defect levels; afterglow increases
摘 要:
采用高温固相反应法制备了Sr0.9M0.1Al204:Eu2+,Dy3+(M=Mg, Ca, Ba)长余辉发光材料,并对其晶体结构、光谱性质、余辉特性进行了分析.x射线衍射测试结果表明,Mg2+,Ca2+,Ba2+离子部分取代SrAl2O4基质中的Sr后,基质晶体结构并没有发生改变.光谱测试结果表明,Mg2+,Ca2+,Ba2+取代后发光材料的激发光谱都是一个从250~450 nm范围内的宽激发带,在266nm,320nm,360nm,416 nm处各有一个激发峰.发射光谱中Mg2+和Ba2+的取代使波长出现蓝移,而Ca2+的取代使波长出现红移.余辉测试结果表明,Ca2+取代后的余辉时间长于Mg2+和Ba2+的取代.
Abstract: The rare-earth doped afterglow phosphors Sr0.9M0.1Al204:Eu2+,Dy3+(M=Mg, Ca, Ba) were synthesized by a high temperature solid-state reaction method. Crystal structure, spectrum properties, afterglow performance of the samples was analyzed. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) patterns indicated that the crystal structure was not changed with some Mg2+,Ca2+,Ba2+ taking the place of Sr in SrAl204. Spectrum measurements showed that the excitation spectrum is a wide excitation band at 250~450 nm after Mg2+,Ca2+,Ba2+ taking the places, and excitation peaks were observed in the excitation spectrum at 266,320,360,416 nm. The wavelength has a little blue shift with Mg2+ and Ba2+ instead and has a little red shift with Ca2+ instead. Afterglow testing observed that the afterglow time is longer with Ca2+ instead than Mg2+, Ba2+ instead.