论文作者:田妮 赵刚 左良 刘春明
文章页码:613 - 617
关键词:Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金; 汽车板; 应变强化; 应变强化指数
Key words:Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy; automotive body sheet; strain hardening; strain hardening exponent
摘 要:针对汽车车身用Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn合金薄板,通过固溶、T4及退火处理控制其合金相组态,采用拉伸实验结合TEM/EDS观察研究了薄板在拉伸变形过程中的应变强化指数n值的变化规律及其应变强化行为.结果表明,Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn合金薄板的拉伸真应力-真应变不完全满足Hollomon公式,其对应于不同应变阶段的强化指数n各不相同;塑性变形早期,退火态合金薄板的应变强化效应最显著,塑性变形后期,固溶态合金薄板的应变强化效应最显著;拉伸变形任意应变范围内,固溶态合金薄板的应变强化指数n均高于T4态,其原因是固溶态合金薄板位错滑移的切应力明显小于T4态合金薄板.
Abstract: Al-Mg-Si-Cu series alloy sheet,which can be strengthened by heat treatment, is a perfect material for automotive body since it can be substituted from the conventional steel sheet for automotive body to reduce the vehicle weight and respond to the demands of energy saving and emissions reduction.However,because the crystal structure of aluminum alloy sheet is different from that of the steel sheet and especially there are a great deal of second-phases in aluminum alloy matrix,the forming characteristics of aluminum alloy sheet such as strain hardening behavior is different from that of steel sheet.Therefore the experiences obtained during forming steel sheet are not applicable to forming aluminum alloy sheet.It is urgent to clarify the relationship between microstructure especially second-phases and forming behavior of aluminum alloy sheet,from which a reasonable evaluation system of formability for aluminum alloy sheet can be established.In the present study,the variation of strain hardening exponent n during plastic deformation and the strain hardening behaviors of Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn alloy sheet subjected to solid solution,T4 and annealing treatment were investigated by tensile test and TEM/EDS. The results show that the relationship between true strain and true stress of alloy sheet during tensile test does not fully meet the Hollomon formula,and the n value of alloy sheet varies as the strain range to calculate the n value changes.The annealed alloy sheet has the most significant strain hardening effect at the initial stage of plastic deformation,but the alloy sheet subjected to solid solution treatment shows the most distinct strain hardening effect at the latter stage of plastic deformation.The n values of alloy sheet subjected to solid solution treatment are larger than those of T4 alloy sheet at each given strain range during tensile test,which is attributed to the much lower shear stress for dislocation slip in the former sheet than in the latter sheet.
2.东北大学 材料各向异性与织构教育部重点实验室)
摘 要:针对汽车车身用Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn合金薄板,通过固溶、T4及退火处理控制其合金相组态,采用拉伸实验结合TEM/EDS观察研究了薄板在拉伸变形过程中的应变强化指数n值的变化规律及其应变强化行为.结果表明,Al-0.9Mg-1.0Si-0.7Cu-0.6Mn合金薄板的拉伸真应力-真应变不完全满足Hollomon公式,其对应于不同应变阶段的强化指数n各不相同;塑性变形早期,退火态合金薄板的应变强化效应最显著,塑性变形后期,固溶态合金薄板的应变强化效应最显著;拉伸变形任意应变范围内,固溶态合金薄板的应变强化指数n均高于T4态,其原因是固溶态合金薄板位错滑移的切应力明显小于T4态合金薄板.
关键词:Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金; 汽车板; 应变强化; 应变强化指数