Formation of Al-Ni master alloys using nickel anode


论文作者:曹大力 王吉坤 石忠宁 王兆文 马雷 王惠华

文章页码:300 - 303

Key words:inert anode; Ni-metal anode; Al-Ni alloy; electrolysis; corrosion

Abstract: Nickel anode was investigated as a potential anode of aluminium electrowinning for preparation of Al-Ni master alloys. The electrolysis tests were carried out in Na3AlF6-Al2O3 based melts at 940 ℃. The results show that the cell voltage during electrolysis has only minor instability, and there exists NiO phase in electrolyte after 0.5 h electrolysis. Ni content in Al-Ni master alloys increases with increasing the electrolysis time. Concentration limit of Ni in Al-Ni master alloys can be up to 33.8% (mass fraction). However, substantial corrosion of the Ni-metal substrate is observed, and the oxide scale on the nickel anode after electrolysis is porous and loose that does not prevent corrosion of the substrate.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Ph.D Fund of Liaoning Province, China

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