文章页码:87 - 92
关键词:计算机绘图; 综合平衡囹; 电位-pH图; 溶解度图; 热力学分析; 铁-砷酸盐体系
Key words:computer plotting; all-equilibrium diagrams; pC-pH diagram; solubility diagrams; thermodynamic analysis; iron-arsenate system.
摘 要:本文利用计算机绘制的pC-pH图,对铁盐脱砷法进行了理论分析。指出三价铁用量对于脱砷效果及有价金属夹杂损失的影响以及溶液中络合剂存在与脱砷的关系。
Abstract: A thermodynamic analysis is presented on the removal of arsenic from metal extraction system in form of ferric arsenate, using a kind of all- equilibrium diagram, the pC-pH diagram. The calculation and the procedure of drawing is described briefly. And the diagrams obtained show the effect oi the amount of ferric ions on the removal of arsenic and on the loss of valuable metals.