文章页码:36 - 44
关键词:镍黄铁矿; 脉石矿物; 镁; 浮选; 机理
Key words:pentlandite; gangue mineral; magnesium; flotation; mechanism
摘 要:本文研究了含镁脉石矿物(蛇纹石、橄榄石和辉石)对镍黄铁矿浮选的影响。通过显微电泳试验、电镜扫描检查、吸附试验、微型浮选试验和产物物质组成研究等,查明了产生影响的原因、程度和作用机理;并找到了防止或消除其影响的方法。
Abstract: The effect of gangue minerals (serpentine, olivine and augite) containing magnesium onpentlandite flotation has been studied in this paper. Through the tests of microscopic electrophoresis, scanning electron microscope photographs, adsorption amount, miniature flotation and microscopic observation, the reason, level and action mechanism of exerting the influence have been investigated, and the method of preventing or eliminating the influence has been found out.