

论文作者:尹升华 郝硕 邹龙 寇永渊 李希雯 ARMELLE Belibi

文章页码:1595 - 1606


Key words:aggregate packing density; compressive strength; response surface method(RSM); central composite test; ratio optimization

摘    要:为了提升充填料浆性价比,针对多种骨料混合充填类矿山开展料浆优化配比研究。首先,根据骨料物化性质,采用Talbol理论分析碎石-棒磨砂的最大堆积密实度并确定碎石与棒磨砂这2种材料的最优配比范围;然后,根据响应面法(RSM)提供的中心复合试验方案进行17组配比试验,构建强度为响应值的回归模型,揭示料浆质量分数、碎棒比(碎石与棒磨砂的质量比)和胶砂比(水泥和骨料的质量比)单一或交互作用对充填体强度的影响机制。最后,采用目标规划法对充填料浆配合比寻优。研究结果表明:强度对单一因素的响应极敏感,对因素交互的响应具有显著性;在因素交互下,早期强度对料浆质量分数和胶砂比交互作用敏感,中期强度受碎棒比和胶砂比的交互作用影响大,料浆质量分数和碎棒比的交互作用对后期强度影响显著;考虑性价比的料浆最优配合比是料浆质量分数为77%,碎棒比为2.33,胶砂比为1:5,该配合比满足金川二矿区输送与充填强度设计标准。

Abstract: In order to improve the cost performance of filling slurry, in view of a variety of aggregate mixed filling mines, the slurry optimization ratio study was carried out. Firstly, according to the physicochemical properties of aggregates, Talbol theory was used to analyze the maximum bulk density of waste gravel and the rod grinding sand, and the optimal ratio of the two materials was determined. Then, according to the central composite test protocol provided by the response surface method(RSM), 17 sets of matching tests were carried out to construct a regression model to reveal the effect of slurry concentration, the mass ratio of waste gravel and rod grinding sand, mass ratio of cement and aggregate on the strength of the filler. Finally, goal programming was used to optimize the mixing ratio of the filling slurry. The results show that the intensity is extremely sensitive to the response of a single factor and the response to the interaction of factors is significant. Under the interaction of factors, the early strength is sensitive to the interaction of slurry concentration and the ratio of cement and aggregate. The medium-term strength is affected by the interaction of the ratio of waste gravel, rod grinding sand and the ratio of cement and aggregate. The late strength is affected by the interaction of the slurry concentration, the ratio of waste gravel and rod grinding sand. The optimum mix ratio of slurry with cost performance is as follows: the slurry concentration is 77%,the ratio of waste gravel and the rod grinding sand is 2.33,and the ratio of cement and aggregate is 1:5. At the optimum mix ratio of slurry with cost performance, the mixing ratio meets the transportation requirements and strength requirements of Jinchuan No.2 Mining Area.

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