

论文作者:陈卓 毛永宁 赵荣升 刘安明

文章页码:730 - 737


Key words:flash smelting; operation parameter; numerical modeling; simulation; optimization

摘    要:



With the increase of the throughput of flash furnaces, the relationship between the loading rate and the reaction air (especially the air speed) changes dramatically and needs to be re-determined, a systematic simulation study of two main parameters, i.e., the distribution air and the process air, was carried out with the CFD software Fluent 6.3 to explore their effects on the mixing and reaction processes of the gaseous and particle phases in the reaction shaft. The results show that the momentum ratio of the distribution air to the process air has a great impact on the dispersion of particles inside the furnace. On the premise of proper dispersion of particles and good control of the erosion speed of the shaft refractory linings, the large momentum ratio of the distribution air to the process air is more helpful for good mixing and reaction processes between the particles and the gas. However, for cases with the same momentum ratio, the small process air velocity is recommended for the burner control to achieve comprehensively better smelting results.

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