论文作者:吕维洁 张小农 张荻 卞玉君 方平伟 施忠良 吴人洁
文章页码:220 - 224
关键词:生成焓 Gibbs自由能 钛基复合材料
Key words:formation enthalpy; Gibbs free energy ; titanium matrix composites
摘 要:根据热力学理论编程计算了钛与B4C反应的反应生成焓ΔH与Gibbs自由能ΔG以及反应式(x+5)Ti+B4C=xTi+4TiB+TiC的绝热温度。计算结果表明:钛与B4C反应释放出大量热,反应能自发维持,而过量钛与B4C反应更易生成TiB和TiC增强体。由于钛作为稀释剂吸收热量,随着过剩钛含量的增加,反应的绝热温度逐渐下降,过剩钛完全熔解的初始温度逐渐升高
Abstract: Reaction formation enthalpy ΔH, Gibbs free energy ΔG and adiabatic temperature of reaction between Ti and B4C were calculated using thermodynamic theory. The results showed that the reaction between Ti and B4C releases much heat, TiB and TiC reinforcer are favourable to synthesize by the reaction between excessive Ti and B4C, adiabatic temperature will decrease and initial temperature which excessive titanium is absolutely melted will increase with excessive titanium increasing.