

论文作者:朱学卫 王日初 彭 建 彭超群

文章页码:1766 - 1772

Key words:spray forming; Al-Si alloy; semisolid; coarsening rate

摘    要:采用喷射沉积技术制备Al-27%Si合金,研究半固态二次加热过程中该合金显微组织的演变。结果表明,初晶硅在二次加热过程中发生粗化,并且粗化速率随着二次加热温度的升高而增大,液态区域凝固后出现共晶组织。在二次加热过程中喷射沉积过共晶Al-Si合金的显微组织演变可以分为3个阶段:第一阶段属于固态相转变;在第二阶段Al基体周围开始逐渐熔化,熔化区域内初晶硅粗化明显且经水淬后出现共晶组织;第三阶段与第二阶段类似,Al基体熔化。

Abstract: The Al-27%Si alloy was prepared by the spray forming process, and its microstructure evolution during the semisolid reheating process was investigated. The results show that, the primary Si phase coarsens during the reheating process and the coarsening rate increases with the increase of reheating temperature. The eutectic phase is produced in the molten region when quenched in the cold water. The microstructure evolution in the semisolid state can be divided into three stages. The remarkable characteristic of the first stage is only a solid-state phase transformation process. However, the region around the α(Al) matrix gradually melts in the second stage. The primary Si in the liquid phase coarsens obviously, and the eutectic phase is produced in the molten region when the specimens are quenched in cold water. In the last stage, the same thing as that in the second stage happens except that all the α(Al) matrixes are melted.

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