论文作者:孟书青 黄炎珠 何志权
文章页码:49 - 55
关键词:闪锌矿; 方铅矿; 浮选分离; 可浮性; 接触角; 铅锌矿; 铅精矿; 抑制作用; 润湿性; 回收率
摘 要:本文论述了羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)在浮选分离闪锌矿和方铅矿中的作用及对润湿性的影响。试验证明,CMC同时抑制未经金属阳离子活化的闪锌矿和方铅矿;但在pH=11.5±,用丁黄药作捕收剂,CMC不抑制Cu2~+活化的闪锌矿,而仍有效地抑制方铅矿。当人工混合矿含铅42.95%时,经浮选分离,可获得含铅71.01%,回收率90.9%的铅精矿。
Abstract: In this paper, the effect of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on flotation separation and wettability of galena and sphalerite is described. It has been experimentally provided that CMC depresses sphalerite and galenanot being activated by metal cations, while butyl xanthate is used as a collector at pH 11.5±, CMC does not depress sphalerite once activated by Cu~(2+),but depresses galena efficiently. A concentrate with a galena of 71.01%lead and recovery of 90.9% can be obtained after flotation separation when a synthetic mixed mineral contains 42.95% lead.