2D finite element analysis of thermal balance for drained aluminum reduction cells


论文作者:刘伟 李劼 赖延清 刘业翔

文章页码:783 - 783

Key words:drained cell; thermo-electric field; thermal balance; finite element analysis

Abstract: Based on the principle of energy conservation,the applicable technique for drained cell retrofitted from conventional one was analyzed with 2D finite element model. The model employed a 1D heat transfer scheme to compute iteratively the freeze profile until the thickness variable reached the terminating requirement. The calculated 2D heat dissipation from the cell surfaces was converted into the overall 3D heat loss. The potential drop of the system, freeze profile and heat balance were analyzed to evaluate their variation with technical parameters when designing the 150 kA conventional cell based drained cell. The simulation results show that the retrofitted drained cell is able to keep thermal balance under the conditions that the current is 190 kA, the anodic current density is 0.96 A/cm2, the anode-cathode distance is 2.5 cm, the alumina cover is 16 cm thick with a thermal conductivity of 0.20 W/(m·℃) and the electrolysis temperature is 946 ℃.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China

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