Weighting indicators of building energy efficiency assessment taking account of experts’ priority


论文作者:杨玉兰 邰惠鑫 施韬

文章页码:803 - 808

Key words:energy efficiency; building; weighting; cluster analysis; analytic hierarchy process


Analytic hierarchy process (Group AHP) is combined with two different methods of assigning experts’ priority to weight indicators in building energy efficiency assessment. One is to assign the experts’ priority averagely, and the other is to use cluster analysis to assign experts’ priority. The results show that, 1) Different expert’s priority assigns result in great different weights of indicators in building energy efficiency assessment, therefore, the method of assigning experts’ priority should be taken into account carefully while weighting indicators of building energy efficiency assessment using Group AHP; 2) Three indicators are found to be overwhelmingly important in residential building energy efficiency assessment in the hot summer and cold winter zone in China. They are ‘Outdoor & indoor shadow’, ‘Heating & air-conditioning facilities’ and ‘Insulation of envelope’; 3) The method combining cluster analysis with Group AHP to weight indicator of building energy efficiency assessment has the advantage of finding overwhelming important indicator, whereas, some less important indicators have a tendency to be ignored. A useful reference is provided for building energy conservation including policy revision and energy efficient residential building design.

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