论文作者:蔡传算 刘荣义 陈进中 夏忠让
文章页码:49 - 52
关键词:鼓风酸浸; P204萃取; 钴镍回收
Key words:acid leaching with air injection; p204 extraction; recovery of Co and Ni
摘 要:采用鼓风酸浸、P204萃取除杂、P204萃取分离钴、镍的工艺流程,对钴、镍、铬含量较高的合金废料实行了综合回收,钴的回收率达84.6%。采用该流程可快、省、优地生产出合格的氧化钴粉和综合回收氧化亚镍。
Abstract: The resarch has been done on recovery of valuable metals from the waste alloy contained Co, Ni and Cr in relative high content. By adopting the flowsheet of acid leaching with air injection combined with P204 ex-traction for purification and separation, 84. 6 %Co was recovered. The final product of CoO powder in high quality was achieved and also the NiO could be obtained.