


论文作者:杨永川 杨轲 王志浩 卢军

文章页码:3741 - 3748


Key words:spatial interpolation; cross-validation; moving observation; temperature field

摘    要:以重庆都市区华岩公园3次流动观测(GPS+温湿度自动记录仪)的温度为例,选取常用的反距离加权插值法、普通克里格插值法和样条插值法3种空间插值方法,对不同插值方法及其在不同参数时的空间温度插值结果进行验证分析和评价,筛选出适合流动观测的空间插值法。最后,根据普通克里格插值法中的指数模型插值得到的温度场,分析了华岩公园的冷岛效应。研究结果表明:普通克里格插值法的指数模型对描绘流动观测(GPS+温湿度自动记录仪)范围内的温度场分布效果最佳,其他模型的插值结果精度波动性大;对测点密度大且分布均匀的温度可使用反距离加权插值法进行快速插值,但要根据温度的密度来确定1个合适的幂指数;样条函数插值法精度不稳定且不可估计,因此,该方法不适用于流动观测数据的空间插值处理。

Abstract: The temperature data derived from three times of moving observations (GPS+Automatic temperature humidity data logger) in Huayan Park of Chongqing Metropolitan area were taken for example. Three common spatial interpolations (Inverse Distance Weighted, Kriging and Spline methods) were selected to acquire the temperature field. The spatial interpolation results of different methods and different parameters were analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the cool island effect of the Huayan Park is analyzed according to the temperature field obtained by exponential model of ordinary Kriging. The research results show that the exponential model of the Kriging method has the best effect on describing the air temperature field distribution in the moving observation region, while the accuracy of other models fluctuates. The inverse distance weighted method can get good results when the observation temperatures are of big density and uniform distribution, but an appropriate power must be chosen. The results obtained from spline interpolation method have an unstable accuracy and cannot be estimated, so this method is not applicable in temperature spatial interpolation of moving observation.



杨永川1, 2,杨轲1,王志浩1,卢军1, 2

(1. 重庆大学 城市建设与环境工程学院,重庆,400045;
2. 重庆大学 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆,400045)

摘 要:以重庆都市区华岩公园3次流动观测(GPS+温湿度自动记录仪)的温度为例,选取常用的反距离加权插值法、普通克里格插值法和样条插值法3种空间插值方法,对不同插值方法及其在不同参数时的空间温度插值结果进行验证分析和评价,筛选出适合流动观测的空间插值法。最后,根据普通克里格插值法中的指数模型插值得到的温度场,分析了华岩公园的冷岛效应。研究结果表明:普通克里格插值法的指数模型对描绘流动观测(GPS+温湿度自动记录仪)范围内的温度场分布效果最佳,其他模型的插值结果精度波动性大;对测点密度大且分布均匀的温度可使用反距离加权插值法进行快速插值,但要根据温度的密度来确定1个合适的幂指数;样条函数插值法精度不稳定且不可估计,因此,该方法不适用于流动观测数据的空间插值处理。


Application of spatial interpolation in moving observations of thermal environment

YANG Yong-chuan1, 2, YANG Ke1, WANG Zhi-hao1, LU Jun1, 2

(1. Faculty of Urban Construction and Environmental Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 40045, China;
2. Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment, Ministry of Education,
Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China)

Abstract:The temperature data derived from three times of moving observations (GPS+Automatic temperature humidity data logger) in Huayan Park of Chongqing Metropolitan area were taken for example. Three common spatial interpolations (Inverse Distance Weighted, Kriging and Spline methods) were selected to acquire the temperature field. The spatial interpolation results of different methods and different parameters were analyzed and evaluated. Finally, the cool island effect of the Huayan Park is analyzed according to the temperature field obtained by exponential model of ordinary Kriging. The research results show that the exponential model of the Kriging method has the best effect on describing the air temperature field distribution in the moving observation region, while the accuracy of other models fluctuates. The inverse distance weighted method can get good results when the observation temperatures are of big density and uniform distribution, but an appropriate power must be chosen. The results obtained from spline interpolation method have an unstable accuracy and cannot be estimated, so this method is not applicable in temperature spatial interpolation of moving observation.

Key words:spatial interpolation; cross-validation; moving observation; temperature field

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