


论文作者:蒋海燕 李邦盛 李志强 安阁英

文章页码:273 - 277

关键词:钛 氧化锆 型壳 互作用

Key words:titanium ; zirconia ;shell mould ; interaction

摘    要:借助于X射线衍射、电子探针和扫描电镜等测试手段,研究了液钛与氧化锆陶瓷型壳的相互作用。 结果表明,界面反应一方面基于型壳中的ZrO2分解和Zr,O原子向钛基体的扩散,形成CaZrTi2O7相; 另一方面液钛也向氧化锆型壳中扩散,形成Ca2Zr5 Ti2O16相。 阐述了液钛与氧化锆陶瓷型壳相互作用的双向扩散机制。指出降低浇注温度可减弱钛与 型壳的界面反应。

Abstract: The metal-mould interactions during casting of titanium in zirconia shell mould has been studied by means of SEM, EPMA and XRD. The results showed that the interface reaction is based on the dilution of the ZrO2 and the diffusion of Zr and O in titanium matrix, and a new CaZrTi2O7 phase is formed in titanium investment casting surface; at the same time, Ti diffuses into the zirconia ceramic mould and forms another new compound Ca2Zr5Ti2O16 . An interface reaction model was founded and it was pointed out that the metal-mould interaction can be weakened by lowering the pouring temperature.



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