Effects analysis on catalytic combustion characteristic of hydrogen/air in micro turbine engine by fuzzy grey relation method


论文作者:陈敬炜 鄂加强 吴江华 刘腾 邓元望 彭庆国

文章页码:2214 - 2223

Key words:micro turbine engine; catalytic combustion; hydrogen; fuzzy grey relation theory

Abstract: In order to enhance catalytic combustion efficiency, a premixed hydrogen /air combustion model of the micro turbine engine is established under different excess air ratio, inlet velocity and heat transfer coefficient. And effects of inlet velocity, excess air coefficient and heat transfer coefficient on the catalytic combustion efficiency of the hydrogen have been analyzed by the FLUENT with CHEMKIN reaction mechanisms and the fuzzy grey relation theory. It is showed that inlet velocity has a more intuitive influence on the catalytic combustion efficiency of the hydrogen. A higher efficiency can be obtained with a lower inlet velocity. The optimum excess air coefficient is in the range of 0.94 to 1.0, the catalytic combustion efficiency of the hydrogen will be declined if the excess air coefficient exceeded 1.0. The effect of heat transfer coefficient on the catalytic combustion efficiency of the hydrogen mainly embodies in the case of the excess air coefficient exceeded 1.0, however, the effect will be declined if the heat transfer coefficient exceeded 4.0. The fuzzy grey relation degrees of the inlet velocity, heat transfer coefficient and excess air coefficient on the catalytic combustion efficiency of the hydrogen are 0.640945, 0.633214 and 0.547892 respectively.

Cite this article as: E Jia-qiang, WU Jiang-hua, LIU Teng, CHEN Jing-wei, DENG Yuan-wang, PENG Qing-guo. Effects analysis on catalytic combustion characteristic of hydrogen/air in the micro turbine engine by fuzzy grey relation method [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(8): 2214-2223. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11771-019-4167-7.

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